
What food do we need to get through a day?

Morning session (9am-12pm): A drinks bottle, ideally water or sugar free squash and a simply snack, ideally fruit or vegetable based. If not then something savoury.

Afternoon session (12pm-3pm): Full Day session (9am-3pm):

A drinks bottle, ideally water or sugar free squash and a lunchbox which is mainly savoury, please see below for lunchbox support.

Making fruit kebabs is always a fun way to encourage the children to explore fruit and try new tastes and textures.

Healthy Eating:

NHS Healthier Families aim to support families in making healthier choices keeping your family healthy and happy.

It’s really important that we remember children are only here for a maximum of 6hrs, so lunchboxes should be filled with fruit, vegetables and carbohydrates to help get them through the day.

Healthier families has an amazing page full of recipes when wanting some inspiration on how to fill a lunchbox, take a look: